Central Otago Wine Tours Queenstown
by JakeT April 16, 2015

With winter fast approaching try out this excellent white wine recipe from Martha Stewart.


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by JakeT September 17, 2014

SPOILER: Unless you are asthmatic – it’s very unlikely it has any affect at all.
Read more here: http://i.stuff.co.nz/life-style/food-wine/drinks/10441464/If-you-re-asthmatic-wine-may-pose-a-risk

Categories: Uncategorized


by JakeT January 10, 2014

Two North Canterbury vineyards are mourning the loss of their vines after they were accidentally sprayed with the wrong chemical. Although it is currently unknown what chemical was actually sprayed, the owners are blaming the mislabeling of a common insecticide for the problem. 

New Zealand Wine Tours is devastated at the loss of these innocent vines and our hearts go out to their surviving companions in the region. I would like to suggest a couple of one-off wines these vineyards could […]

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